Naseer Fareem

Born of nobility, Naseer knows that he lives life at a huge advantage but tries hard not to make it known, as he likes to see all walks of life on equal level. Despite having a natural charm and charisma, there are regrets that he lives with every day.
Full Name | Naseer Malik Fareem |
Race | Hyur Midlander |
Nationality | Hannish |
Build | 6 fulms 0 ilms (182 cm), 180 ponz (82 kg) |
Appearance | Deep violet hair, amber-coloured eyes, tan complexion |
Occupation | Tactician, Thavnairian military officer |
In-game Jobs | MNK, WAR, BLM |
Age | 28 |
Date of Birth | 13th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon |
Known Family | Anjali Dahab Fareem [mother]; Riaz Masud Fareem [father]; Zaeed Rafiq Fareem [older brother]; Ahmed Ali Fareem [younger brother, deceased] |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
Sexual Preference | Bisexual |
Current Residence | Radz-at-Han |
Home Server | Mateus (Crystal Datacenter) |
Who is Naseer?
Naseer is the second son of three sons from a family line of senators and law advisors for the satrap in Radz-at-Han. Because he is not next in-line for the senate position, he expressed interest in serving the nation and began martial training at a young age. He'd show great prowess in hand-to-hand and close-quarter-combat and was secretly trained by his mother in offensive aetheric arts. When he became of age, he enlisted in a Thavnairian military order separate from the Radiant Host and rose up the ranks through his own merits and insisted that he not become promoted just because of his lineage and noble status. This mentality earned him the respect of many of his peers and superiors, low-born and high-born alike. His mentor also taught him battle tactics, showing him that every battle should be carefully thought out and planned, never heading into battle head first.A week after his 23rd nameday, his younger brother Ahmed disappeared, seemingly without a trace. Naseer would later find a note from him stating that he had run away to the west to seek asylum and live his own life, cursing his own nobility due to arranged marriages. He was later ordered by his father to locate Ahmed and bring him back to Radz-at-Han. As a precaution, his father ordered his martial instructor and mentor Ibrahim Bahar to come along. Taking thirteen other men with him, they departed via ship off the shores of Thavnair and headed west.Their ship was met with a terrible storm and instead of heading towards the shores of Limsa Lominsa, they were thrown off-course and turned north after passing its shores. They'd soon find land and after docking it, they'd discover that they were at the western shores of Dravania. They'd remain in this area for almost three weeks until they received word of a strange man in deep blue hair dancing for the masses. When it was discovered that this blue-haired man was headed west, Naseer announced to his men that they would head west ahead of them. What they did not expect, however, was that Ahmed was accompanied by four other individuals. Once they were finally ahead, they'd make a formation to barricade the party of five but past that, there was no plan. Before Naseer was able to formulate a plan, one of his men and his own mentor charged through. Naseer's own men would easily be overpowered. These adventurers were using weapons that none of them were familiar with and this easily overpowered his men. Suddenly, a flash of blinding light appeared from one of the adventurers' weapon and it was slammed to the ground. After a few more fancy weapon-works and explosive spellcasting, Naseer found that many of his men had perished, including his mentor Ibrahim. He himself was injured, as was the remaining four men. He immediately ordered a retreat and fled back to the shores of Dravania to their ship. Ashamed and saddened by the loss and their morale down to the dirt, Naseer ordered for them to return to Radz-at-Han. He felt responsible for the deaths of his men and Ibrahim, as he was unable to stop them from diving in head first.When he returned, it was at the dead of night and the first person he came across was his own mother. he explained to her all that had happened to his men, Ibrahim, and his younger brother Ahmed, and profusely expressed his regrets. She declared that he had run into a tragedy and was later ordered for more military training under different instructors and masters.Several years passed and he proposed that, since his older brother Zaeed was finally to be married, that he would go back to Eorzea on his own to retrieve Ahmed. He felt that bringing his own men and mentor with him had likely got him on the defensive, and that his own men were too overzealous. His mother and father were very skeptical at first but couldn't argue with his reasoning so they granted him leave and he headed for Eorzea. This time, actually getting to the shores of Limsa Lominsa.Having no luck doing this for a year, he returned to Radz-at-Han for a time to see attend his older brother's wedding ceremony but quickly returned to see the search through the end.It would not be another year until he learns the truth about his younger brother through his friend Raji and a man named Miles. Speaking at some length about the adventures of his younger brother Ahmed, Naseer now has a much better understanding of the circumstances and is now on the way back to Radz-at-Han to deliver the news to his family.
His Looks
As expected of someone who hails from the great island of Thavnair, Naseer has a darker skin complexion than most people in Eorzea, perhaps quite similar to many Ala Mhigans. He stands at an even six fulms, which is quite a bit taller than the average midlander and weighs at approximately 180 ponz. Naseer's position in the Thavnairian military is physically demanding which attributes to his noticeably muscular tone.As a result of his mother having crimson hair and his father having deep blue hair, Naseer was born with a literal mixture of the two colours and ends up with a deep violet, something that he is proud of for being unique. Especially so since both of his brothers have deep blue hair, like their father. Like everyone else in the family, however, he also sports amber-coloured eyes which he is also proud of for the simple fact that it isn't very common.
If you'd like to know of some ways to be acquainted with Naseer or have something in common with him, read on.
• Hook• Hook• Hook• Hook
Something one would probably not expect from a noble like Naseer is that he values hard work. He was the second son of three and knows that he is not in line for the position of the Satrap's counsel (this is his older brother's job at some point) and realizes that in order for his efforts and achievements to be recognized, he knew he had to work hard. This is also the reason why he tends to get along with most people from all walks of life, from fellow nobles to the poor if they do not despise him just from his privileged birth. Because his father knew this, he was immediately placed in an academy which lead him to be a part of the Thavnairian military. Naseer wanted no special treatment just because he was a noble and many in the military respect him for this in addition to his natural charisma.One of the things that Naseer is proud of is that he learned how to be a military tactician through the tutelage of his martial and military mentor, Ibrahim. Despite being a family retainer and eventual mentor for Naseer, he saw him both as a member of the family and a best friend at times. Naseer trusted this man with his life,Unfortunately, he is very hard on himself should he face failures. When his martial mentor Ibrahim was murdered due to a miscalculation on his men's part while trying to "collect" his younger brother Ahmed, Naseer immediately took responsibility for all of this and ordered a retreat. He became depressed for at least a year and had difficulty coping with the loss of his mentor for a long time. With the help of his older brother Zaeed, Naseer managed to get himself back up on his feet.
The people below are those that have a connection with Naseer, excluding his immediate family.

person's name
O O C Things
WHO AM I ? --
Just one of your average players who does content here and there and likes to write. I'm located on the upper midwest of the US so I'm on the Central time zone. I'm usually on during the evenings of Sun-Wed and sporadically the rest of the week, but on at night. Usually. If my RP icon is present, then I am open for RP. Go ahead and walk on up, or send me a tell. I'm good with both. I would also prefer that you and your character are at least 18 years of age if you'd like to RP. Especially if we're getting down to more adult-themed situations.What I'm OK with --
I'm good with most types of RP but I tend to gravitate towards adventure, slice of life, mystery, combat, and I indulge in some dark themes every now and again. I am okay with one-off and long-term RP. I'm also okay with romance and erotic topics as long as our characters have established a deeper connection than just a meeting here and there, and it isn't the only thing driving our RP.What I'm NOT OK with --
Death, dismemberment, metagaming, doing things that require permission when it is not obtained, and other basic stuff that should be considered NO. Common sense applies here.Contact me? --
You are more than welcome to send me a tell in-game if and when you see me. This is really the only game I play so chances are, you'll find me. I also have a Discord but I'd prefer that we contact each other in-game so that we can get an idea of how we mesh and get along together.Combat? --
Yes. I am open to combat RP but I'd like it if we do a small bit of planning first, just so that we both know what's potentially going to happen. I am open to both dice rolls and non-dice rolls but let's discuss first.